This website was built as my final project for the Web Development Certificate program at Salt Lake Community College. I was tasked to build a survey site for a fake analytics company using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL. The company logo and name are my creations and have nothing to do with any known businesses. The repository for this project is available for sharing upon request. Below is how I've introduced the website to a potential customer, and the links in the navbar and throughout the home page go to the rest of the site. To access the table on the results page, the username is 'admin' and the password is 'secret'.
The Survey and Results pages do function properly. However, because this project was done for school, the database is currently only functional on their hosting server, not the personal one this site's currently on. Fully functional versions of the survey page can be found here and the results page can be found here.
Here at Salt Lake Analytics, we aim to match you with products that match your interests. Take one of our surveys so we can match you with something you may be missing in your life! This week's survey compares a rivalry that has existed since the 1970s: Coca-Cola vs Pepsi.
Take SurveyWe offer surveys to our customers so they can discover new products that suit their interests. Learn more here!
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